The publisher of this website is the company:
Ernst-Pflitsch-Straße 1 Industriegebiet
42499 Hückeswagen
Personally liable Partner: Gebr. Pflitsch GmbH.
Managing Directors: Roland Lenzing, Mathias Stendtke.
Registration Court of the KG: Amtsgericht Cologne HRA 16329
Registration Court of the GmbH: Amtsgericht Cologne HRB 37449
Value Added Tax ID No. DE 123 243 251
Phone: +49 2192 911-0
Fax: +49 2192 911-220
Email: info(at)
Legal notice
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Access to and use of this website is subject to the following conditions. If you do not agree to these conditions, please do not use this website.
This website was developed and is administered by PFLITSCH GmbH & Co. KG, Konzernkommunikation Elektronische Medien (in the following referred to as PFLITSCH). We reserve the right to discontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or to the general conditions of use, to our general terms and conditions, and to our conditions of sale and delivery. Please note that we may make such changes at any time, at our own discretion and without prior announcement. We therefore request that you look through this legal notice again on your next visit to this website and take into account any modifications or additions.
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All the information, documents and illustrations published on this website are the sole property of PFLITSCH. Permission to use them is granted on condition that the copyright note is displayed on all copies, that the information is used only for personal purposes and not for commercial gain, that the information is not changed in any way and that all illustrations on the website are used only together with the accompanying text.
Trademarks and copyright
The marks CABseal, blueglobe, blueglobe CLEAN Plus, blueglobe HP, blueglobe HT, blueglobe TRI, LevelEx, PFLITSCH, Pflitsch, PFLITSCH Passion for the best solution, PFLITSCH System UNI, TRI Spring, UNI Dicht, UNI Dicht 2M, UNI flange, UNI IRIS, UNI Split Gland displayed on this website and in our catalogues/ print media are the registered trademarks with effect at least in Germany of PFLITSCH GmbH & Co. KG.
Limitation of liability
PFLITSCH has compiled the information you find on this website from internal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. We endeavour to expand and update this range of information on an ongoing basis. The information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting PFLITSCH and its products and services. However, we give no warranty, either explicit or implied, for the completeness or correctness of the information on this website. In particular, you should be aware that this information may no longer be up to date. You should therefore always check any information you obtain from this website prior to using it in whatever form. Advice given on this website does not exempt you from conducting your own checks on our current advice - particularly our safety datasheets and technical specifications - and on our products, with a view to their suitability for the intended processes and purposes. Should you require any advice or instructions concerning our products or services, please contact us directly. Users of this website declare that they agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Neither PFLITSCH nor third parties involved in the writing, production or transmission of this website can be held liable for damage or injury resulting from access or the impossibility of access or from the use or impossibility of use of this website or from the fact that you have relied on information given on this website.
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This website contains links/references to third-party websites. By providing such links, PFLITSCH does not give its approval to their contents. PFLITSCH accepts no responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites nor any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form. Links to other websites are provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience. Users access such websites at their own risk.
International users
This website is checked, operated and updated by PFLITSCH at Hückeswagen, Germany. It is intended for international use. PFLITSCH gives no guarantee that the information presented on this website is correct everywhere in the world, and, in particular, that products and services will be available with the same appearance, in the same sizes or on the same conditions. Should you call up this website or download contents, please note that it is your own responsibility to ensure that you act in compliance with local legislation applicable in your current location.
Products mentioned on this website may come in different packaging, in different package sizes, or with different lettering or markings, depending on the country.
Sale of PFLITSCH products
The sale of our products is in accordance with the current version of our general conditions of sale and delivery.
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Any legal claims or lawsuits in conjunction with this website or its use are exclusively subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, except for the provisions of international private law and the Hague Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1st July 1964 and in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11th April 1980.
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Your data, such as name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address as well as the name of the person dealing with the matter are stored by us on computers so that we are able to determine your requirements from your request, to communicate an offer to you if applicable and provide you with further information at a later date about our company and its products. If necessary, our representatives or our sales partners in your country may contact you.