Sustainable with foresight

Sustainability has become a key issue in society that goes far beyond environmental protection. Companies are increasingly recognising that sustainability is not a passing trend. Rather, it is an opportunity to successfully master the challenges of the future and improve a company's competitiveness.

Competitive advantage through sustainability

Customers are increasingly looking for sustainably produced products, meaning that sustainability is becoming a quality criterion along the entire value chain. PFLITSCH has already made enormous efforts to gain a competitive advantage through the various aspects of sustainability, ranging from climate neutralisation and the reduction of energy and resource consumption to increasing its attractiveness as an employer brand.

Mission zero emissions

The most urgent task remains the reduction of emissions. Mathias Stendtke, Managing Partner at PFLITSCH, comments: ‘We have set ourselves the goal of achieving climate-neutral emissions before the statutory target of 2045. This is a real challenge because we are constantly growing - and so are our energy consumption. That's why we are working on certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14.001 for an effective environmental management system.’ A whole package of measures - from investing in more efficient machines and generating energy in-house to using precise measurement technology to identify potential savings - has already reduced energy consumption. Climate-neutral electricity procurement was also already achieved in 2021 by purchasing green electricity, avoiding 1,095 tonnes of CO2. Over 556 tonnes less CO2 emissions per year are also thanks to the energy-optimised design of the plastics production in 2022. In addition, there are plans to significantly expand the company's own electricity generation using photovoltaics.

Conserving resources and recycling

The careful use of resources and the avoidance of hazardous substances are other relevant aspects. One example of this is the switch to lead-free brass alloys in accordance with the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) guidelines. Recycling, such as the reutilisation of brass shavings, is also practised wherever possible.

Sustainability as a driver of innovation

PFLITSCH has repeatedly driven industrial cable management forward with pioneering innovations. Sustainability as an innovation factor has played a central role in this. ‘Our ambition is not limited to developing products that we can manufacture in a more resource-efficient way and that enable customers to produce efficiently,’ says Roland Lenzing, Managing Partner. ‘We also create solutions for electromobility and renewable energies, thereby helping to ensure that sustainable future technologies actually have a future.’

Sustainability is a question of attitude

Speaking of the future: qualified employees are crucial for the long-term success of a company. Sustainability also plays a role here. Why? In view of the environmental crises, Generation Y has its own ideas about everything from environmental protection to work-life balance. As a certified family-friendly company, PFLITSCH is at an advantage here because it has always catered for the well-being of its employees with comprehensive programmes ranging from further training and fitness to pension schemes.

Doing business sustainably together

Whether legal regulations, social trends or technical innovations - sustainability is subject to constant development. To ensure that it is always up to date, PFLITSCH is a member of the German Environmental Management Association (B.A.U.M. e.V.) and maintains a regular dialogue with co2ncept plus (German Association for Emissions Trading and Climate Protection). Finally, a dedicated specialist has been hired to actively promote environmental and initiative management in the future and to specifically identify projects worthy of support.

Sustainable policy

Whether sustainability becomes a successful concept on a broad front in the economy also depends on the extent to which politicians support companies in implementing sustainable strategies. The management of PFLITSCH still sees deficits here. At the top of Roland Lenzing's agenda is ‘reducing bureaucratic hurdles and incentivising sustainable investments. The affordability of energy and strengthening security of supply are also among my core demands.’ Mathias Stendtke adds: ‘Another appeal to politicians is to promote the research and development of alternative ecological materials and products in order to facilitate the switch to sustainable practices.’